Are You Ready For An Upgrade?
Are You Ready To ELEVATE?
In Numerology the 8 on its side
is the sign of Infinity.
In my upcoming book "Live Your LifePath" I call
the 8 "The Philanthropist. This is the person who
solves the bigger problems in the world. They are the ones who make changes in the world by bringing solutions and new Visionary thought to opens the eyes for many others.
In classic numerology, the number 8 deals with money. With the way of The Philanthropist however, money is not the "end all be all." It just flows naturally because the 8 is on a Mission to make the world a better place. Being "MISSION CRITICAL" in the year 2024 is going to be so important on so many levels.
Get Ready to Level Up!
Join Me in
A Virtual Meeting
Year 2024 Numerology 8:
The Year of the Philanthropist
Saturday December 30, 2023
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM EST
This is a Donation Only Event. Get your ticket though the link below. You must get a ticket BEFORE the event begins
in order to attend. Ticket availability will close promptly at 7pm on December 30.
2023 is the number 7 (2+0+2+3 = 7) and is what I call The Sacred Fire Keeper. The year of 2023 is all about being with people, having more fun and connecting with Source. The year 2024 is the number 8 (2+0+2+4 = 8) and this is what I call The Philanthropist, the one who is here to solve problems in the world and add to the Greater Good for the collective.
2024 is the time to GET BUSY with your MISSION!
In this class, I will teach you how to learn your own LifePath number, then I will relate each of the 11 Life Path numbers to the year 2024 and how The Philanthropist (the number 8) will impact each of us. Every LifePath plays a role in the Evolution and Elevation of our very existence.
Our world is in a critical stage and we are the ones called upon to bring balance and harmony into Being ... by Doing.
Here are just of a few 8 LifePath Visionaries who lives have transformed many others:
Nelson Mandela
Norman Vincent Peale
Brigham Young
Mary Baker Eddy
George Harrison
Deepak Chopra
Edgar Cayce
What part will YOU play?!
Come and join in to discover how you will become
a true Philanthropist in the year 2024.
This is a Donation Only Event. Get your ticket though the link below. You must get a ticket BEFORE the event begins
in order to attend. Ticket availability will close promptly at 7pm on December 30.