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Let's "Level Up"

 YOGA / Meditation teachers or if you are interested in pursuing sound as a part of your practice

Adding Sound to your Practice is one of the best things you can do for yourself AND your clients.

Sound Therapy is BOOMING!

Create the perfect atmosphere to enhance your clients experience with you.

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Come and join me in this exciting event built JUST FOR YOU!

I have led literally thousands of Meditations mostly using Sound and I want to share my knowledge with you.


My INSIGHT TIMER Meditations have been played over 2 MILLION TIMES!

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Having studied with Jon Kabat-Zinn (founder of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and Thich Nhat Hanh, Vietnamese Buddhist monk and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, I've developed meditation habits of excellence and integrity.

As President of the International Sound Therapy Association, I've studied deeply the effects of how sound can assist the process of relaxation and healing.

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Monday October 3, 2022

1pm - 5pm

3125 Presidential Parkway, Suite 300

Atlanta, Georgia 30340

Investment: $ 75

Come and experience techniques I've learned over the past 20 years
doing thousands of sessions and protocols I have developed to help facilitate healing from the

"inside out using Sound from the outside in."

  • Quartz Crystal Bowls

  • Gong techniques

  • Rattles

  • Drums

  • Flute


Bring what instruments you use in your practice.

There will be some instruments available if you cannot transport yours.

To register or to ask questions, please send an email with TRAINING as the heading.


 Give yourself a moment to elevate your techniques and enhance your Practice!

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Looking forward to seeing you!

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