Discover Shamanism
Sunday October 2, 2022
1:30pm - 5:30pm
Trinity Center for Spiritual Living
1095 Zonolite Rd.
Atlanta, GA. 30306

You ARE being called!
"The Shamans Path to Awakened Living" is a class I've taught for over 10 years, after having been "initiated" into the world of the Global Shaman in 1976.
This is a system of practices to develop Spiritual growth, Intuitive awareness and Intentional action all while serving Humanity with Compassion. I have watched students grow in confidence and found a clearer connection between "Self and Source."
Come with your questions, a willing heart and an open mind.
I hope you will join me.
"The World Needs More Shamans."
For this class on Sunday October 2:
2 Deep Meditations
2 Shamanic Journeys
Principals of Shamanic Healing
Connect with your Animal Spirit Guide
Understand yourself and others with the Life Path number
To register, please send an email with SHAMAN as the heading.